Friday, April 30, 2010 comes ALIVE May 5! comes officially to life on May 5, 2010.

Our contributors are not only from Ithaca, but Virginia Beach, Hawaii, Alaska, Syracuse, Rochester, on the shore of Lake Ontario, and many, many more places all across the fruited plain!

So don't make the erroneous assumption that if you are not in Ithaca, we are not for you.

When we began, it was, among other things, a simple act of frustration.

We got on to the big stock sites, and, although they boasted 10 million images, they never had EXACTLY what I wanted.

And don't get me started on their call routing systems.

So we decided to begin a stock agency with the simple concept of providing to people, exactly the perfect image.

We also want provide customer service that you have never before experienced, all without a call routing system. When you call or email, you will be responded to by a human being who knows her stuff.

But Wait! There's MORE!

The other reason we considered opening a stock agency, is that Miles and I were looking for an outlet for our work. Now I'm speaking for myself here, but I think I'm a pretty good photographer - but there are many I am connected with, through PPSNYS (Professional Photographer's Society of New York State) and PPA (Professional Photographers of America), who are so awesome in their talent, that I am not worthy to even carry their exposure meter.

Wouldn't it be great if I could represent the work of these incredible photo artists, and share the work that they create with you?

So we're almost ready.

Our contributors are uploading many photographs that we hope will catch your eye, images to use in your publications, on your web site, to hang in your office or to use within your new brochure.

So look for a communication on May 5 from
We'll post on Facebook, on Twitter, on the radio in Central New York, via this blog, and by email to everyone who ever knew me or any of my friends...

Please come visit the site.
Please pass this on!
Have an AWESOME day!


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