Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunsets and Students

One of the most delightful jobs that I get to do have to do with students and water.

This month I was asked to photograph students at Wells College for a poster that highlighted their logo, "Education for an Extraordinary Life"

What I found was a group of exuberant, friendly and bright students who were willing to do whatever I asked them to. I am convinced that they would have jumped into the lake through the ice had I asked... But I really AM a nice guy...

Sunset silhouettes are almost always striking, but we had only two minutes to capture this image. The sun hit the horizon, and the light left. It was that fast.

Did I mention that the air temperature was 6 degrees?

So how can you take beautiful images like this?

First, it requires a bit of planning. This was my third trip to Wells, and I have a fairly exact idea of where I wanted to take the photo.

Second, if you want to take images that no other photographer can take, you have to DO what other photographers are unwilling to DO. In this case, be out in the bitter cold, on your knees in a snowbank directing the 15 students who complete the scene.

And last - this photo was underexposed by about 1-1/3 stops from what the Program Automatic function would have set it at. Try that this summer when the wind doesn't bite so hard.

For more "Winter at Wells" images, visit the IthacaStock.com gallery page. We use a service called "SmugMug", which we believe is the best gallery site out there.

Also, please visit our web site at www.ithacastock.com for thousands of photos by central New York (and beyond) artists!

Have a wonderful week!

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